Eurizon’s sustainability policy 

Consistently with European law (Regulation EU 2019/2088, so-called Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation), Eurizon has adopted a Sustainability policy that illustrates how sustainability risks are integrated in the investment decision process, defining specific methodologies to select and monitor financial instruments, that take into account sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) principles, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors.

The ESG/ SRI strategies adopted by Eurizon

Eurizon’s range of funds includes products that integrate sustainability risks in the investment choices (Article 6 SFDR products), that promote, among others, environmental and social objectives (Article 8 SFDR products), or that have sustainable investment objectives (Article 9 SFDR products) 
SRI exclusions and restrictions

Exclusions or restrictions are applied to issuers that operate in non-responsible sectors

ESG exclusions and restrictions

Exclusions or restrictions are applied to issuers considered as critical, that may be subjected to a specific engagement process

Integration of ESG factors

Integration of ESG factors in portfolio analysis, selection and composition (ESG Score Integration, Thematic Integration, Sustainable Integration, Manager Selection Integration, Index Integration, Sovereign Integration, and Carbon Footprint).

Sustainable investment goals

Pursuit of sustainable investment goals via SDG Investing and Impact Investing.

Good governance practices

Investment in companies with solid management structures and no criticalities in terms of relations with staff, wage policy, and respect of fiscal obligations.


Stewardship is the responsible management of resources and of capital. It translates into exercising voting rights and seeking engagement with company managements.

For further details on the strategies, download the summary of Eurizon’s sustainability policy

The main players involved in the ESG/SRI process

Board of Directors

ESG Committee
Draws up the proposals to present to the BoD on sustainability themes, monitors the exposures of assets under management with respect to ESG indicators, and oversees engagement on external corporate governance activities 

Sustainability Committee
Works with the BoD to guarantee that Ethical Fund investment decisions are in line with the rules for these funds. The Committee is independent and autonomous from the AM Company and is made up of personalities of acknowledged probity and morality

Devolutions Committee
Supervises the donations and charity activities of the funds that belong, among others, to the Ethical system as well

Investment Supervision Committee
Tasked with advisory, drafting, and propositional activities related to the supervision of the Investment Process used in managing funds

Financial, Credit and Operational Risk Committee
Monitors the impacts of sustainability risks on financial products, and the mitigating actions adopted to face the adverse effects tied to investment decisions

Eurizon investment process integrating ESG factors

Eurizon ESG Score

Furthermore, in support of the investment choices, Eurizon has drawn up its own ESG score, the Eurizon ESG Score, that assesses the ESG Opportunity and ESG Risk of corporate issuers.

Principle Adverse Impact Indicators - PAI

Eurizon has defined specific adverse impact indicators in function of the ESG/SRI strategies adopted by the individual products as per Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and the related implementation discipline.

For further details, download the Declaration on the Principal Adverse Impacts of Eurizon its subsidiaries 

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